MORE GIVEAWAYS! Enter to win a Limited Edition Majora’s Mask game or Mega Man Amiibo!

Couple's Co-op Giveaway Contest Sonic Amiibo Mega Man Amiibo Limited Edition Majora's Mask game

Mike is still on a #Questfor1000, so we are giving away TWO new items next week! Enter now to win a Mega Man Amiibo or a Limited Edition Majora’s Mask game for the New 3DS. The Majora’s Mask game is currently sold out in stores, so it’s a really special item!

Contest rules:

1. Follow @couples_coop on Twitter.

2. Tweet us with the first game you remember playing! Use the #Questfor1000 and we will like you even more. 🙂

The deadline for winning the Mega Man Amiibo is Tuesday, March 31. 

The deadline for winning the Limited Edition Majora’s Mask game is Thursday, April 2. Winners will be announced on the day following the drawing.

A note: If you already entered our Sonic Amiibo Giveaway contest, YOU ARE ALREADY ENTERED TO WIN THE OTHER TWO ITEMS! Hooray!

Finally, today is the last day to enter the Sonic Amiibo Giveaway Contest! The winner of that drawing will be announced tomorrow, Friday, March 27.

Want to see more from Couple’s Co-op?

Side-by-Side Review: Knack

 Couple's Co-op - Side-by-Side Reviews - Knack

Knack is a kid-oriented action platformer available on the PS4. In this game, Player One plays as the titular automaton, who appears to exist in indentured servitude to three greedy buffoons whose primary life-goal is the acquisition of Relics. By absorbing these Relics, Knack can grow from knee-high up to three stories tall.


Mike (Player 1) says:

Knack’s co-op was fun and entertaining, as co-op games should be. However, if playing with an experienced platform gamer the game will be frustrating for Player 2. Knack seems similar to the dynamic of Sonic and Tails in Sonic The Hedgehog 2. In the latter, Sonic is the main adventurer while Tails is along for the ride. Knack of course is the main character while the co-op silver “mini-Knack” doesn’t even get a name. The camera always follows Knack and will continue to follow him with or without your silver companion. Mini-Knack is helpful by being able to attack and even help take down enemies. Another Tails similarity is mini-Knack can never fully die. When his health is completely gone he can just respawn near Knack after a few seconds. One different feature from the Sonic The Hedgehog co-op gameplay is when Knack’s health is low, mini-Knack can give some of his relics to keep Knack alive which comes in handy when fighting tough bosses.

The downside to the co-op gameplay is the camera. At times Player 2 is completely off-screen or even teleported back closer to Knack, even if mini-Knack is in mid-fight. This can be really troublesome when playing and it makes it seem that co-op was definitely an afterthought.

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