About Us

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Mike is an electrical engineer at a medical semi-conductor company.  In addition to playing video games, he is an avid collector. When not gaming, he enjoys watching movies and grilling outdoors.

Favorite Games: The Legend of Zelda series, Mega-ManSuper Metroid, Castlevania

Favorite Platform: Super Nintendo


Katie is a graduate student who is easily distracted from finishing her dissertation. When not gaming, she enjoys doing art, writing, reading fantasy novels, and knitting.

Favorite Games: Any RPG where she can spend 2 hours in Character Creation, anything by Bioware, The Witcher 2

Favorite Platform: PC


Haley is Mike’s 6-year-old Miniature Schnauzer. She watches Mike and Katie play video games from the middle couch cushion.

Favorite Games: fetch, napping, barking at the mailman


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